From $2,436/month to $20,000/month

How I 10x'd my income in 7 years

My first job out of school paid me $40,000 annually - which is about $2,436 every month after tax in Ontario, Canada.

I was extremely grateful to have landed a job right out of school that paid me that much! There was nothing wrong with that income.

But as my life evolved, so did my responsibilities. Not long after graduating, I chose to help my parents out by covering a majority of my brother’s tuition.

That was an extra $10,000 in responsibility every year that I took on so that he would have the same opportunity I had in Canada. He still had 2-3 years left of school and tuition was getting more expensive.

Then I wanted to get married. My wife and I have big families which meant the wedding was going to be pretty costly (and it was).

Naturally, I wanted a home as I was turning 25. That’s the dream, right? To own a piece of land that your family can call its own and that you can pass down for generations.

And of course, I wanted to travel the world. How could I not? Every day I would see yet another beautiful destination on Instagram that I hadn’t been to yet.

The problem was my dreams & goals were expanding but my paycheck was struggling to keep up.

So I decided to take things into my own hands and learn how to make money online. I will never forget paying $4,000 for a business coach. It was the most I ever spent and it was only for 4 hours of coaching!

The information I was exposed to in that session was eye-opening but the real catalyst was the channel I used to drive all the leads - LinkedIn.

The next month, our company 3Skills earned $30,000 in revenue - but that was only the beginning. Over the next 3 years from that coaching session, I went on to earn over $1 million online across my businesses.

An incredible 250X return on investment! By the time I was leaving Shopify, I was earning over $20,000 a month. This was just September of 2023.

I didn’t make money because I was bored or greedy. The truth is that I needed to become this person to make my dreams happen - and I wasn’t willing to wait 10 years for a company to do it.

I’ll be breaking down the exact formula I applied to go from $2,346 per month to $20,000/month in income during the masterclass this weekend. Want to attend?

See you in there,
